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Anointed -for men

An Intimacy Immersion for Men

  • 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Included in plan
  • Online via zoom

Service Description

Anointed Throughout history, it has been traditional for Kings and Warriors to be anointed by the Priestess. In fact, the knight was unprepared to hold any sufficient rank until he was properly initiated by Her. He was unfit to return to society after battle, until the war was cleansed from him by Her. And though some of these words have become a tad cliché from modern day overuse, the potency behind the transmission has only grown even more important. We miss out so much in our modern world from the lack of proper rites of passage. There is some men’s work that can Only be properly facilitated by other men, and this is right and good. And then there is another layer, which requires the exquisite attentiveness of an initiated woman. And that’s where I come in. I am holding a door open to do some deeper work with men. 🔥 men who know there is something deeper in themselves that they want to access and reveal 🔥 Men who know there is a deeper layer of the Feminine they want to penetrate with their whole hearts 🔥 The man who knows that perhaps his potency and virility has been hindered in this lifetime 🔥 Who longs to be received in his rawness, his tenderness and his fierceness 🔥 Who wants to have a deeply intimate and empowered relationship with his sëksual life force energy, his spirit, body parts and heart aligned 🔥 Men who have already done some inquiry, but want to be initiated to their next level by a healer they respect and trust 🔥 Men who want to be the kind of lovers their partners can’t get enough of.. and are simultaneously profoundly satisfied by and with on a soul deep level There are two options: a 5 session mini immersion investment: $1500 OR A full 10 session immersive deep dive $2500 (a$500 savings) payment plans always available Available worldwide I see the man you are.. and I see the one you’re becoming. Walk with me.. I know the way to that which you seek. ❤️‍🔥 (completely customizable payment plan info coming soon, reach out for details.

Contact Details


San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico

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